Global Tilted Irradiance GTI, MeteoFrance with 15min, GFS all layers
Subtle Set of Small Improvements
Open-Meteo recently introduced a few minor enhancements:
Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI)
MeteoFrance AROME model in 15 minutely time-steps
All atmospheric pressure levels for GFS and HRRR
Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI)
Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI) refers to the solar irradiance, on a surface that is tilted or inclined at a certain angle. This measure is important in solar energy applications, especially for photovoltaic systems, where understanding how sunlight hits solar panels at different angles is essential for optimizing energy production.
The term "global" indicates that it considers all sunlight, including direct, diffuse and reflected components, that reaches the tilted surface. The "tilted" aspect implies that the surface is not horizontal but positioned at a specific angle with respect to the ground. In addition “Azimuth” is taken into account if the panel is facing southwards, but slightly east or west.
The API documentation now offers GTI alongside the settings for tilt and azimuth.
MeteoFrance AROME with 15 minutely data
Following the recent update of MeteoFrance AROME and ARPEGE models, the AROME model is now accessible with 15-minute time steps, providing model updates every hour. The enhanced resolution of 1.5 km, coupled with frequent updates, significantly improves short-term forecast accuracy by integrating the latest satellite and radar observations.
MeteoFrance AROME, featuring 15-minute data intervals, covers Western Europe, delivering forecasts for temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind. These forecasts seamlessly integrate into the Open-Meteo Weather Forecast API within the "15-Minutely Weather Variables" panel and contributing to current weather conditions.
All Atmospheric Pressure Levels of GFS and HRRR
In collaboration with private space travel companies, all atmospheric pressure levels of GFS and HRRR models have been integrated. This integration, featuring a vertical resolution of 25 hPa, enables an accurate depiction of winds and temperatures in the upper atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure level wind forecasts aid in trajectory planning. Spacecraft trajectory is influenced by winds at different altitudes, and accurate forecasts allow for precise calculations of the spacecraft's path.
All pressure levels are now listed in the NOAA API.
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I use Open Meteo for my small hobby project. It’s so much more fun working with weather data with your API. Thank you so much, absolutely fantastic work, I celebrate every update!